

The 21st century is one of rapid change. We live in a time where we expect technology, trends and operational culture to have transformed the way we live and work every few years. In the wake of a global pandemic, we are all acutely aware of how rapidly and totally the way we go about our lives can change. This is a time that requires us to build adaptability into the way we live and work

It is a time where flexible organisations will survive and cumbersome ones will not be able to perform when circumstances change.

Within that broader context the vacant property market is one which in its own right requires a great deal of agility. New tenants or purchases can fall through or be delayed so there is a gap between occupants and therefore security, risk management and cost cutting measures can be required at short notice.

New tenants or purchases can fall through or be delayed so there is a gap between occupants and therefore security, risk management and cost cutting measures can be required at short notice

Getting a property into its next long-term use is also a process with an uncertain timeline. Receiving full planning consent, especially for change of use, has many moving elements each with their own risk factor and potential to cause delay. An application can take anywhere from 3 months to 5 years and once a planning committee’s decision has gone in our client’s favour, vacant possession needs to follow. We have designed our operational model with agility at the core.

Our size is a great advantage for this moment in time and empowers us to meet the challenges of meanwhile vacant property. From same day response with manned guards, to vacating with 20 working days’ notice we are agile and ready to provide solutions to all of our client’s vacant property problems.

If our client’s circumstances require a specialist solution that we do not provide in house we will source and manage sub-contractors to ensure that the best solution is applied, while meeting Oaksure’s standards and speed of delivery.

Learn more about how Agility can help you

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