Public Buildings

Public Buildings

From Acton Town Hall to Chad Varah House, Lincoln, over the past 9 years we have managed a range of public buildings and heritage assets. These buildings have their own particular sensitivities to consider.

They are often listed, have established value to the local community and have frequently been used to provide services to the community which may either no longer be available or may have been relocated without every user being cognisant there has been a change in premises.

The particularities of each site have to be investigated in some detail, considering the broader public impact of the change from public building to vacant property or development site

The particularities of each site have to be investigated in some detail, considering the broader public impact of the change from public building to vacant property or development site.

Members of the public who do not know that building is no longer open to the public may try to gain access seeking a service which was previously available. If this is likely, we will develop a protocol to ensure our client’s messaging is clearly delivered and members of the public can be redirected to where they can now obtain the service, if it is still available.

Community engagement events at the property are one of the options which we will explore with our clients to help smooth the transition of the site into its next use. Planning consultations can be held in the premises if there is suitable space in which to do so. This can help build public support for the redevelopment of a site and enable members of the public to have contact and feel involvement in the development process.

Give us a call to discuss the vacant buildings in your portfolio

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