Residential Blocks

Residential Blocks

Decanting tower blocks and low-rise blocks in order to redevelop or refurbish can be a long process for Local Authorities and Housing Associations. If there are hundreds of tenants in the blocks it can take years for all the AST’s to expire or for the tenants to all agree to compensation or relocation.

Decanting tower blocks and low-rise blocks in order to redevelop or refurbish can be a long process for Local Authorities and Housing Associations

We provide live-in guardians for this circumstance. These bocks are designed for residential use and are therefore ideal for this type of meanwhile solution. Using live-in guardians enables us to undertake management of such blocks incrementally, occupying one flat at a time as and when each AST comes to an end.

Since our live-in guardians are on licence agreements our clients gain the flexibility they need in order to demolish or redevelop once all AST’s are concluded and planning consent has been received.

Give us a call to learn more about our live-in guardian service

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