Vandalism and Dilapidation

Vandalism and Dilapidation

Empty buildings are easy targets for vandalism, theft and criminal damage. Graffiti and broken windows are a tell-tale sign that a building is vacant, neglected and badly managed. If these issues are not tended to then this tends to perpetuate these issues.

Our live-in guardians create social value by filling a hole in an area that would otherwise be created by leaving property vacant.

Once a property is allowed to deteriorate, restoring or selling it becomes increasingly difficult. Our on-site presence deters vandals and prevents theft and criminal damage. By ensuring there are occupiers in the building, we virtually eliminate the risk of vandalism, theft and criminal damage.

Our on-site presence deters vandals and prevents theft and criminal damage

Visibly neglected properties are also obvious targets for metal theft. (click here to read how we mitigate risk from metal theft) Kitchen and office appliances, landscape stones, tiling, roof tiles, doors, timber and any other on-site valuables are at risk when properties are clearly vacant.

Where there are incidents of vandalism, theft or damage we have an on-site presence that enables us to deal with the situation effectively and immediately. Our guards report cases through our reactive maintenance service and repairs begin straight away, preventing any further deterioration of the property.

Using live-in guards and occupation by charities we ensure the building looks occupied and in use at all times. This is a highly effective deterrent to vandalism and theft

Live-in guardians are a particularly effective means of guarding against vandalism. With multiple guardians on-site, the building is regularly patrolled and occupied throughout, enabling any damage to be sighted and reported early or intervened with as it happens. Vandals tend to prefer not to target places where people live. Live-in guards are a moral deterrent.

Our guards have a vested interest in securing property and preventing any criminal damage being done because it is temporarily where they live. Using live-in guards and occupation by charities we ensure the building looks occupied and in use at all times. This is a highly effective deterrent to vandalism and theft.

- Property at risk of Dilapidation? Make one call, make it Oaksure

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